Putting the C-Word into Communications

I do love a good c-word and when it comes to communications there are plenty of them to chose from!  Being a writer, c-words do seem to come a bit naturally to me but I thought I’d include in this blog all the c-words that I think combine (there’s that c-word again!) to make a great piece of written communication.

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Make it Conversational

We all like to read the way we talk so it’s important to write in a conversational tone.  This means you’re inviting interaction, and you’re helping the reader to relate to you and your story.  Don’t be too formal (unless your profession calls for formal speak) and don’t use slang or buzz words that will confuse your audience and date your content.

Make it Clear

 Ever been on a website where you’ve searched high and low for information but either couldn’t find it or couldn’t understand it?  I’ve seen loads of websites like this – it almost seems like the business has chucked any old content they have up there so they can get their website launched, promptly congratulated themselves on a job well done and then ignored the website for a very long time. You have one chance to make your point, so don’t blow it – think about what your audience wants to know and then structure your content and your messages around this.

Make sure it’s Complete

Nothing bugs me more than not being able to find what I’m looking for on a website.  Make sure your content is well organised, with links that are easy to follow.  Make it easy for your audience to contact you if they have a question, and if you do get a query from a customer or potential customer, add it to your FAQs so new visitors can see it.

But be Concise

Ok, so you’ve got all the relevant information that your audience is going to want to see.  That’s great but here’s where you need to get concise.  Get to the point quickly, using easy to understand language. Use hyperlinks to link through to more information but make sure that your main points really stand out.

Check your Facts

If you’re loading data or facts about your industry, make sure you check the sources and list the sources.   Your website is no place for make-believe.

Keep it Current

If you have seasonal banners, information that relates to a current event or any content that will date, make sure you change it out to keep it current (and google will love you for it).


So there you have it – my favourite communications c-words.  If you’re having trouble with your copywriting, I’m here to help – just give me a call on 0400 514579 and let’s start chatting!